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Group companies actively participated in IE expo China 2017


The 18th IE expo China ended successfully in Shanghai New International Expo Center on May 4th -6th, 2017. In three days, the exhibition shows the advanced technology and innovative solutions for the whole industry chain of water, solid waste, air and soil pollution control. This exhibition once again refresh audiences, exhibitors, display area and many other data, continue to maintain the development of blowout.
IE expo China 2017, Miracle Lidi (Hubei) Environmental Technology Group Co., Ltd actively participate in and promote its holding companies in the expansion of environmental protection business. Tianjin Shidai Tiancheng Environmental Tech Go, Ltd (TCEP) also join the group to inject new life for environmental protection business. At this exhibition, TCEP is showed the company’s new development, new goals and strive to build the top brand of solid waste treatment.
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